What Distinguishes You From Other Film Makers?
Your point of view is how you, as a director, differs from other directors and how your film differs from other films. It’s about the unique choices that you make.
The Market Dilemma
At the beginning of 2018, it was assumed that independent content would be able to continue on, and even grow, with the continuing growth of online streaming services (read: Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Stan). However, this year has proven to be the most difficult year for independent producers for one key reason – cast.
A Brief Simple Overview of RED and ARRI
RED vs ARRI has been a repetitive ongoing debate with filmmakers about which is better; at times its been a really ego driven argument with both sides convinced that their preferred camera is better. The RED vs ARRI debate makes us think about how we look at making films – and that’s a good thing.
Being a storyteller means not only knowing the facts of the story, but the delivery and framing of the story. It is an experience for both teller and listener that is, at its best, an exciting and transformative experience, and, at worst, boring.